Inspection of Sump Cap Attach Hardware – Main and Auxiliary Fuel Tank Assemblies

Inspection – Possible Retirement Main Rotor Blade

Periodic Inspection – P/N 269A5179-3 Driveshaft and Coupling Assembly, Main Rotor Gear Drive Assembly P/N 269A5175, -3 or -5

Installation of Placard P/N 269A4646-191 Declutched Operation Prohibited Above 1600 RPM

Inspection and Possible Replacement Seat Belt and Shoulder Harness Assembly, P/N 269A4345 (American Safety Flight Systems P/N 500987-401)

Field Modification of New Four bolt Attachment Configuration – Tail Skid Tube, Tailboom Adapter and Transmission Housing

Field Modification and Interim Inspections – Belt Drive Clutch Linear Actuator Assembly

Dual RPM and Quiet Operation Configuration P/N 269A4957-3

Inspection – Tailboom Center Attach Fitting (PN 269A2324), and Center Frame Aft Cluster Fittings (PN 269A2234 and 269A2235)

Initial Installation of PN 269A5194 Main Rotor Drive Ring Gear Carrier Assembly; Modification of PN 269A5182 Main Gear Drive Upper Housing Assembly