New Conical Type Teeter Bearings for LTS Tail Rotor Assembly

Proper Correlation of Throttle and Collective Pitch Controls

Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1255 (dated), 4 August 1972 -Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Replacement

Inflated Float Installation – Battery Acid Spillage

Fuel Shutoff Control Cable – Rerouting to Reduce Operating Friction

Increase Ring Gear to Carrier Torque

Avco Lycoming Service Bulletin No . 365 (dated), 1 June 1973 – Bendix Magneto Conversion to Incorporate Flexible Drive

New Main Transmission Input Pinion Forward Roller Bearing PN 269A5051-20

Vendor Warranty and Repair – Police Patrol Equipment

High Speed Rotor PN 269A6004 – Spare Assembly and Component Availability