Breakaway Torque Increase – MR Bearing Assembly

Printer Errors in Notice and Letter Sets January 1990

New Belt Drive Transmission H-Frame

Overhaul Kits for Fuel Shut-Off and Drain Valves

Unlimited Service Life PN 269A5430 and -1 Driving Spl i ne Fitting and 269A6030 Driven Spline and Inspection Criteria

Torque Value Established for PN 269A5714 Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Forward Reta i ning Nut

New Protective Boot for 269A6034 Series LTS Tail Rotor Assembly

New PN 269A3150-9 Aft Landing Gear Damper Assemblies Increase Static Height of Tail Skid for 269C Helicopters Operating in Cold Weather or with Increased Gross Weight

Summary of FAA Supplemental Type Certificates for Hughes Model 269 Series Helicopters

PN 269A5050 – 74 Idler Pulley Bearing and PN 269A5050- 78 Belt Drive H-Frame Upper Bearing – Service Life Increased to 3000 Hours